Organic Jojoba Oil (4oz) – (ArtNaturals)

Product name: Organic Jojoba Oil (4oz) – (ArtNaturals)

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Packaging: Comes packaged in bubble wrap. Bottle (with dropper in place) is safety sealed.

Usability: With the dropper, it is easy to add what you need. Perfect for my purposes as I am typically using a set amount of drops as a carrier oil in essential oil blends.

Quality: 100% Pure Virgin Cold Pressed Unrefined Organic Jojoba Oil.

Effectiveness:  Jojoba (pronounced ho-ho-ba) oil is a vegetable oil obtained from the crushed bean of the jojoba shrub (Simmondsia chinenis ). The jojoba shrub is native to the Sonoran Desert of northwestern Mexico and neighboring regions in Arizona and southern California.* Jojoba oil is liquid at room temperature because of its unsaturated fatty acids. It does not oxidize or become rancid and does not break down under high temperatures and pressures.*

As a cosmetic, it is an effective cleanser, conditioner, moisturizer, and softener for the skin and hair. It is applied directly to the skin to soften the skin, to reduce wrinkles and stretch marks, to lighten and help heal scars, and to promote healthy scalp and hair. Jojoba oil is similar to, and miscible with, sebum, which is secreted by human sebaceous glands to lubricate and protect skin and hair.* It forms a lipid layer on the skin, acting as a moisturizer, as well as penetrating and being absorbed by the outer layer of skin.*

Jojoba oil has immense uses for skin, hair and face. It can be used alone or can be combined with other essential oils to make it more effective. This oil is beneficial due to its moisturizing and emollient properties. Its awesome beneficial qualities to manage skin and hair have made it a useful ingredient for hair, beauty and skin care products. Moreover it is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and non-toxic that again make it useful for hair, face and the whole body.**

I use Jojoba Oil in my massage lotion and also as a carrier oil in essential oil blends.  Compared to other options, jojoba oil is more effective as it does not oxidize or break down under high temperatures which makes my lotions and blends last longer. It is also very moisturizing and absorbs easily into the skin leaving it feeling soft and supple. I really like the Art Naturals brand as they are cost effective.

Cost/Value: $10.95 (Amazon Prime Cost)

Overall Rating: 5/5

Reviewed By: Aimee Smith

I received this product for free in exchange for a review. I’m not paid by the company or affiliated in any way. Any thoughts on this product are my own.





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