Plastic Knives Clear Head With Black Handle – Pack Of 20 (Sophistications)

Product name: Plastic Knives Clear Head With Black Handle – Pack Of 20 (Sophistications)

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Usability: So, I have a weird thing where I don’t like to use metal cutlery a lot.  At least with forks and spoons, it is a taste thing (I think the metal makes the food taste different).  I like using plastic utensils as they just feel better – lighter and easier to use.  The down side is that most plastic utensils are cheap and flimsy.  With these knives, you get the best of both words, the sturdiness of a knife and the light weight of plastic cutlery.

Quality: Durable – made out of heavy duty plastic.  Clear plastic blade with serrated edge, black plastic handle.

Effectiveness: These knives are sturdy enough to stand up to most of your cutting needs for food. The white decorative handle makes these great to use on special occasions or parties. I use them at home on a variety of foods (sandwiches, grilled chicken, cheese, etc) and have been pleased with the results.

Cost/Value: $5.99 (Amazon Prime Cost)

Overall Rating: 5/5

Reviewed By: Aimee Smith

I received this product at a discount in exchange for a review. I’m not paid by the company or affiliated in any way. Any thoughts on this product are my own.


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