Ultrasonic Pest Control Electronic Plug-In Repeller (BugzOff )

Product name: Ultrasonic Pest Control Electronic Plug-In Repeller (BugzOff )

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Packaging: Product comes in a box with instructions.

Usability: Plug into an outlet.  Press the button to select the option you want to use. This device has three settings, you can use them individually or turn on all three at once.  The lights on the front will light up and let you know it is active – red (electromagnetic waves), yellow (anion), green (ultrasonic).

Quality: I like that this has a built in blue night light.  This works well for placement in the bathroom – that’s where I typically get ants as there is a handy water source for them.

Effectiveness: I was having an ant issue in one of the rooms in my house and had tried ant baits with zero results. Before resorting to sprays or toxic chemicals, I decided to test out this product.  From the information on this product, it says that results can take up to three weeks.  I saw a reduction in the number of ants within a few days and they were completely gone within a week or so. I have a dog and two cats, and neither seemed bothered by the ultrasonic frequency of the repeller.

Cost/Value: $29.99 (Amazon Prime Cost)

Overall Rating: 4/5

Loses a point as the product information on Amazon is filled with misspellings and bad grammar. Product is effective, but the lack of detail in advertising reflects upon the product and the brand as a whole.

Reviewed By: Aimee Smith

I received this product for free in exchange for a review. I’m not paid by the company or affiliated in any way. Any thoughts on this product are my own.

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