Microfiber Fitness Towel [XLARGE] with Carrier Bag (YogiFlex)

Product name: Microfiber Fitness Towel [XLARGE] with Carrier Bag (YogiFlex)

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Packaging: Towel comes packaged in a thin plastic pouch inside the mesh carrier bag.

Usability: Versatile and easy to take with you to the beach, the gym, or anywhere that you may need a towel. Absorbs water quickly to get you dry. This does feel differently than a typical towel when using – instead of running it along your skin I would suggest using more a “blot and soak up” method.

Quality: Made of microfiber suede. XLarge 31″x70″ towel folds and packs down into the included flat 6″x8″ mesh carrier bag.

Effectiveness: These microfiber towels are great compared to taking a traditional towel along when traveling.  They take up less space and I feel that overall they are more effective in water absorption. I keep this in my car as living in Florida you never know when you’re going to need to dry off from occasional showers (during the rainy season) or a last minute decision to head to the beach. These towels also take less time to dry out so they are ready for quick use again (which is why they are perfect for the beach).

Cost/Value: $14.99 (Amazon Prime Cost)

Overall Rating: 5/5

Reviewed By: Aimee Smith

I received this product at a discount in exchange for a review. I’m not paid by the company or affiliated in any way. Any thoughts on this product are my own.


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