Pure Magnesium Oil Spray – 12fl. Oz (Purest Vantage)

Product name: Pure Magnesium Oil Spray – 12fl. Oz (Purest Vantage)

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Packaging: No additional packaging.

Usability: Easy to use – spray as needed.  I would suggest that you do this within your shower or over a sink as the magnesium oil can make surfaces slippery.

Quality: Ingredients: Magnesium Chloride USP, Magnesium Phosphate, Magnesium Sulfate, Purified Water, Trace Minerals. 3575mg of elemental magnesium per oz.

Effectiveness: Magnesium oil (also referred to as transdermal magnesium) is a mixture of Magnesium chloride in water. In reality it is not an oil. It is applied to the skin.  The magnesium is absorbed through the skin and is claimed to have health benefits, such as for the treatment of magnesium deficiency, to relieve muscle pains and aches, and enhance to relaxation.*

Magnesium is among the most important minerals for health and vitality.  All living cells need magnesium.  In the body, magnesium is concentrated in the skeletal system (including skeletal muscles) indicating its importance for bones, muscles, and connective tissue.  Magnesium is also concentrated within cells where it plays essential roles for the production of energy (ATP) and in enzyme reactions critical for life.**

Magnesium also provides specific benefits for specific health concerns.  These benefits include positive effects for the cardiovascular system, strokes and head injuries, hypertension, pain, migrane headaches, hormone imbalances, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, osteoporosis, premenstrual syndrome, diabetes, depression, and other conditions.**

Magnesium is absorbed far more rapidly (than oral supplements or diet) when applied transdermally (across the skin).  That is, transdermal application is more effective at raising magnesium levels in the body than most other methods (except perhaps direct injection).  For this reason, transdermal magnesium therapy is a preferred modality not only for overcoming deficiencies, but also for maintaining levels of magnesium required for health.**

As a massage therapist, I regularly have sore muscles from working.  I use magnesium oil as part of my self care routine.  Magnesium is a such a critical mineral and this is an easy way to help my body replenish levels.  I apply this to my arms and legs as needed and rub in thoroughly. It can leave you with an oily feel so I typically do this at night.

Cost/Value: $22.99 (Amazon Prime Cost)

Overall Rating: 5/5

Reviewed By: Aimee Smith

I received this product at a discount in exchange for a review. I’m not paid by the company or affiliated in any way. Any thoughts on this product are my own.



** http://www.integratedhealthblog.com/magnesium-chloride-program-oil-flakes-gel/

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