Tea Tree Essential Oil, Therapeutic Grade, 4 fl. Oz (Majestic Pure)

Product name: Tea Tree Essential Oil, Therapeutic Grade, 4 fl. Oz (Majestic Pure)

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Packaging: Ships in a sturdy cardboard box. Inside, the bottle and dropper top are bubble wrapped.

Usability: Easy to open, replace the regular cap with the dropper top, and use.  Perfect to use in a diffuser for aromatherapy or adding to a massage oil or cream.

Quality: Steam Distilled 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil. Tea Tree – Melaleuca Alternifolia. I use essential oils on a daily basis (usually Young Living brand).  This is on par with tea tree oils I have used in the past and at a better price.

Effectiveness: Tea Tree oil has many benefits – It can help boost your immunity, be used for infections, and has antiseptic qualities.* Wonderful to use in aromatherapy as it simply smells great.

Essential Oils have been used for therapeutic purposes for thousands of years. They have an impact on the systems of the body and can enhance or reduce the effects of traditional medication being used, so please do your research before using.**

Cost/Value: $10.50 (Amazon Prime Cost)

A 4 Fl. Oz (118 ml) bottle contains 2,360 drops of oil***

Overall Rating: 5/5

  • 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil
  • Quality Essential Oil at a great cost

Reviewed By: Aimee Smith

I received this product at a discount in exchange for a review. I’m not paid by the company or affiliated in any way. Any thoughts on this product are my own.



** https://www.naha.org/explore-aromatherapy/research

*** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drop_(unit)

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