Silicone Wedding Ring (HonorGear)

Product name: Silicone Wedding Ring (HonorGear)

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Packaging: Comes in a small plastic sealed bag.

Usability: Open and wear.  I ended up ordering a size too big, but as I like it and these rings aren’t that expensive I kept to wear on my middle finger.

Quality: Safe, Non-Toxic Medical Grade Silicone. Antibacterial and Waterproof.

Effectiveness: As I am a massage therapist, I cannot wear traditional rings while working as they can be a source of bacteria and they would catch and possibly injure clients.  However, I really enjoy wearing rings and this product is something I can safely wear that does not impact my work. I like the soft silicone feel and that it is antibacterial. Easy to clean before and after sessions.

Cost/Value: $9.97 (Amazon Prime Cost)

Overall Rating: 5/5

Reviewed By: Aimee Smith

I received this product at a discount in exchange for a review. I’m not paid by the company or affiliated in any way. Any thoughts on this product are my own.


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