Cellulite Treatment Hot Gel Cream (Pure Body Naturals)

Product name: Cellulite Treatment Hot Gel Cream (Pure Body Naturals)

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Amazon Prime Cost: $10.49

Reviewed By: Aimee Smith

Stars: 5/5

Review: Being on my feet and moving around all day, I get pretty sore muscles.  I was excited to try this mainly for the muscle relaxation aspect of the cream.  After application, it does heat up a bit, but then feels cooling. I has a very light and pleasing scent and is easily absorbed without any oily residue. I would highly suggest this as a muscle relaxation or massage cream… the added benefits of reducing cellulite are a bonus!

I received this product at a discounted price. I do not promise a good rating in return, nor am I affiliated with this company or compensated in any way.


One comment

  1. This hot cream is amazing! I used it alone without wrapping it and it still had a very powerful warming and relaxation effect! The cream itself has a subtle, pleasant smell and a soft and silky texture. I love to use this when I have tense muscles. It works like a charm. My skin looks better and my muscles feel great! I recommend this product!


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