Anti-Cellulite Cream (Celluvin)

Product name: Anti-Cellulite Cream (Celluvin)

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Amazon Prime Cost: $28.00

Reviewed By:Aimee Smith

Stars: 4/5

Review: After using this product for several days on the backs of my thighs, I noticed some improvement. My skin feels softer, firmer, and not as dimpled. I plan on continuing to use this to see additional results. It does have a medicinal smell that quickly dissipates after application.

Worth a mention: The only reason I did not give this 5/5 stars is that both the package and tube had the misspelling of “gluts” instead of “glutes”. It is a fair expectation that products should use correct terms and abbreviations. I gave the product the benefit of the doubt and tried it. I’m happy that I did so and received good results.

I received this product at a discounted price. I do not promise a good rating in return, nor am I affiliated with this company or compensated in any way.


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